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4x4 Without A Club

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pic hazard SAFETY hazard pic


Please will everyone KEEP OFF and out of the taped off
areas on site, this is for your own safety

Well here we go with all the small print, for those of you who have had accidents you'll know the hazards, for those just starting here are a few pointers.
Seatbelts are COMPULSORY for all people in vehicles (driver and passenger/s).
Silencers (exhausts) must be fitted. All exhust systems must have at least one silencer. We are close to a residential area.
On site speed limit is 10mph or less.
Roll-cage only vehicles were there are signs on site.
White Arrowwhite arrow - easyroute for standard road going vehicles.
Red ArrowRed arrow - medium/hard route for road going and modified vehicles.
Black ArrowBlack arrow - roll caged only vehicles.
Anybody seen defacing/distroying the signs, will be banned from the site.
If you, the driver, are not sure of how deep, or what is over the hill, get out of your vehicle and check first.
The course marshalls are in vehicles and looking out for problems.
No people walking around on site - pedestrian access in car park is fenced off for pedestrians and children, sit down area only.
First aid point and fire meet point at car park at sign in desk.
Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times.
All vechicles must be safe i.e. batteries must be FIXED DOWN. (not with cable ties )
All body pannels must be IN PLACE and SECURE.
ALL PEOPLE front and rear must be wearing seatbelts.

Parents are responsible for their children whilst on site.
Open to any one who has a 4x4 motor/s and occupents.
Warnings! There will be 3 issued then you will be asked and escorted off site. e.g. speeding, noise, etc.
Trailered 4x4 motors also welcome.

Please drive carefully through Aldermaston Village.

Winch Safety

Below: Water can be deeper than it looks.
Deep water

Trenches can catch you out.

Some are hidden.
hidden trench

Testing the "mole" attachment!