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4x4 Without A Club

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Privacy policy

Your privacy is our priority
Your data is important. It's important to us, and we understand that it's important to you.
We are committed to safeguarding your information in line with the latest data protection
and privacy laws. We also want to be transparent about what information we collect about you,
how we use it, and how you can control what we do with this information.

About us
"We", "Us" and "Our" means 4x4 Without A Club and Berkshire Motor Show.

What information do we collect?
On the websites – None.

Via email or at event sites -
Your name, address, postcode, email address, telephone/mobile number, payment details.

What information we do NOT collect?
your internet protocol (IP) address, device type and identifier, operating system,
browser version, cookie data, the content you viewed and details of your navigation history
and global positioning functionality on your device (e.g. GPS)

Do we use cookies?
Do we use Geo-blocking?
Do we use Analytics?
Do we pass your details to third parties?
Do we send marketing communications and advertisements?

What are your rights?
Any personal information you supply will be treated in accordance with applicable data
protection laws including the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR") and any other
applicable or superseding legislation. We are committed to delivering the rights that
individuals are entitled to under data protection laws in the UK. These are:

You have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about you. To do
this, please contact us on: Telephone Steph on 0799 0667 503 or E-Mail withoutaclub@yahoo.co.uk
making clear that you are requesting a copy of your personal information and including full
details of what you require. You may also be required to submit a proof of your identity.

You have the right to rectification. You may request that we correct any inaccurate and/or
complete any incomplete personal information.

You have the right to withdraw consent. Where we are processing your personal information on
the basis that you have given us your consent to do so, you may withdraw your consent at any time.

You have the right of erasure. You may request that we erase your personal information at any time.

What this privacy policy does not cover
This privacy notice doesn't cover companies, services or applications that we don't own or
control, for example the club forum. For details of their privacy policy please
visit https://www.proboards.com/privacy.

Corporate Hire of 4x4 site

These events are not advertised by without club, The corporate company hire the site re dates between club
and hire company. Photo's are not allowed to be taken by outsiders. Only the corporate company who hire the
site, are allowed to take photo's with person's permission, for use with their Training/Usage purposes, some
people are under the age of 18yrs old. All person's answer to the corporate hire company, under GDPR rules.
Information is never shared outside our organisation 4x4 without club and corporate hire company.

Bank Details
Card Payments are kept for a period of time by the Club Treasurer/accountant for the year accounts. If people
wish to have these shredded they may under data protection. These are never shared outside of our organisation.

With sensitive information is kept in a folder between the club and Hire company. If people ask for this to be
deleted we will shred this information under the data information act.

This can be on the club website/Facebook pages from customers with their feedback and permission.
They can delete at anytime.

These are taken on the day each month by the club, people normally allow this, as they send us their photos ,
but they can also ask for any photos of them to be deleted from the website or promotional purposes
under data protection.